

I do the game design, UI design, music, sound, tricks programming, and lore.

Update 1.1: Speed Stars, Gambit Overhaul & More!

It’s time for the first major content patch for Diceheart! Let’s jump right in. Major Features A lot of the major additions included in this patch are expansions or refinements to existing systems, with the goal of making battles…

Devlog #005: It’s Out!

It’s with great pleasure that we can finally say: Diceheart is now available for purchase on Steam! If our recent tweets are any indication, we’re getting a little sentimental. This is the culmination of over 2 years of non-stop work…

Devlog #000: We Haven’t Died

Devlog #000

Die there! Dice to see you again! It’s been a, uh… die-le. Wait, no. Come back. Sorry about that. Hello! Yes, it’s been a while since we released pre-alpha, and we wanted to break the silence. While a good portion…

Pre-alpha is out!

It’s happening! The Diceheart pre-alpha is finally complete! If you have chosen (or been chosen) to take part, take a look for the email we sent out. It contains a download link and a few instructions to bear in mind…

Diceheart website launched!

Diceheart Island

Wow! It’s a website about our game, Diceheart! You’re on it right now! We’ve been working on the game for a while now, and it’s almost ready™ for you to play. We hope to have the pre-alpha available sometime this…